



Arch Linux Hyprland & Hyprpanel Setup Guide Cover


This guide will walk you through installing Arch Linux using archinstall, setting up Hyprland as the Wayland compositor, and installing Hyprpanel for a complete, modern Linux experience.


  • A USB drive with at least 2GB of storage
  • A stable internet connection
  • A basic understanding of Linux commands

Step 1: Boot into the Arch Linux Installer

  1. Download the latest Arch Linux ISO from

  2. Create a bootable USB using. For this part you may use any tool such as 'Rufus', 'Ventoy', 'Balena Etcher' or 'Fedora Media Writer'.

  3. Boot into the USB drive and select "Arch Linux Installer".

Step 2: Install Arch Linux Using archinstall

  1. Start the guided installer:

  2. Configure the following:

    • Language: Select your preferred language.
    • Keyboard layout: Choose based on your keyboard.
    • Mirror selection: Choose the fastest mirror.
    • Disk Configuration: Select 'Use a best-effort default partition layout' and then select your Disk.
    • Filesystem: Use ext4 or btrfs (recommended for snapshots).
    • Bootloader: Select systemd-boot or GRUB.
    • Hostname: Choose a name for your system.
    • Root Password: Set a password for the root user.
    • User Account: Create a username and set a password.
    • Profile: Choose desktop and then Hyprland for the default packages instalation. You will have to later remove dunst as Hyprpanel uses its own notification system, and it will conflict with dunst.
    • Audio: Choose pipewire for the audio server.
    • Network Configuration: Select NetworkManager.
    • Additional Packages: Add any extra packages you like.
    • Optional Repositories: Enable multilib for 32-bit support.
    • Timezone: Select your timezone.
  3. Confirm settings and proceed with installation.

  4. Reboot after installation and log in.

Step 3: Configure Hyprland

For the Hyprland configuration you can follow my previous guide on How to Properly Configure Hyprland on Arch Linux.
Just stop the tutorial as it gets to Basic Configuration 🛠️ item 7.

Step 4: Install Hyprpanel

  1. Install dependencies:
  • Pacman:
    sudo pacman -S --needed wireplumber libgtop bluez bluez-utils btop networkmanager dart-sass wl-clipboard brightnessctl swww python upower pacman-contrib power-profiles-daemon gvfs
  • AUR:
    yay -S --needed grimblast-git gpu-screen-recorder-git hyprpicker matugen-bin python-gpustat hyprsunset-git
  1. Install Hyprpanel:

    git clone
    cd HyprPanel
    meson setup build
    meson compile -C build
    meson install -C build
  2. Add Hyprpanel to your Hyprland config:

    echo "exec-once = hyprpanel" >> ~/.config/hypr/hyprland.conf
  3. Restart Hyprland:

    pkill Hyprland && Hyprland
  4. Check dependencies

    hyprpanel checkDependencies

Step 5: Customize Your Setup

  • Add a wallpaper manager like swww or hyprpaper.
  • Customize your Hyprpanel settings.
  • Add custom scripts to Hyprpanel.
  • Install additional themes and icons.


You now have a fully functional Arch Linux system with Hyprland and Hyprpanel. Explore additional configurations and themes to make it your own!

Rui Xavier

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